I discovered Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in 1996
after refusing to have an operation to remove part of my
temporal lobe, which was suggested to stop epilepsy &
Parkinson’s disease caused by the
anti-convulsants. The Neurologist told me in his
consultation to accept my condition and have the
operation or he did not want to see me again. The feeling
was mutual.
A mysterious chain of events brought me to the door of Dr Huo Xiao Bing a doctor of both Traditional Chinese Medicine and an Orthopedic surgeon qualified in Henan Province, China.
He reassured me that it would take three and a half months of herbs and acupuncture every day to stop the epilepsy and Parkinson’s and that I would be able to become pregnant and hold the baby full term. I had 13 miscarriages. The treatment was difficult and required my whole hearted commitment. I have not had a fit since, I don’t shake and can speak clearly and had 3 children in 4 years without medical intervention.
When my son Cadon was born the editor for the Western Australian Newspaper arranged for a medical reporter to do did a story on me and my dramatic recovery. Dr Huo Xiao Bing rang me because he was suddenly so busy I became his assistant. I did a full time apprenticeship for seven and a half years and then worked part time for a further two years.
During all of this time I studied under him in his clinic and attended his classes at TAFE. I studied acupuncture at Bentley College and had the privilege to study ‘Chinese Pulse Diagnosis - Dr Shen & Dr Hammer Technique’ with Dr Brian La Forgia 2000. I went on to take professional exams with Professor Ji Liang Chen in 2004, then studied ‘Traditional Thai Massage’ and ‘Cupping & Gua Sha’ with Bruce Bentley 2006. I have recently studied Esoteric Acupuncture with Dr. Mikio Sankey up to the most Advanced Level and Dermatology with Dr. Mazin Al-Khafaji from UK. Our family owes a lot to TCM. This medicine gave me a new life, restored my deaf son's hearing and saved my husband from a certain death, after he was horrifically burnt. I have also done many professional development courses with Metagenics Nutritional Suppliments, Dark Field Microscopy and Blood Analysis.
My Journey