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My Clinic​


Herbs, Pills and Potions for the treatment of all Disorders 


(Student of Dr. Mazin)

Acupuncture, Moxabustion, Gua-Sha and Cupping

Fertility, Mensturation and Menopause 

Esoteric Acupuncture

(Dr. Mikio Sankey, Founder and Teacher)

Uses ancient acupuncture points to expressly facilitate spiritual transformation and life change.


After studying hypnosis under Dr Rick Collingwood and Dolores Cannon, I have developed my own style of hypnosis addressing ‘all’ problems at once. Bring your ‘wish list’ and together we will go on a journey through the subconscious mind. Peace, clarity and transformation are often the result.

Registered Professional Clinical Hypnotherapist with the ‘National Australian Clinical Hypnotherapists’ August 2004


Lecturer, Public Speaker in both Chinese medicine and Spiritually


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